- This event has passed.
**Update:** We are delighted to see such a strong interest in this event. We have contacted Planta, and they cannot offer us additional space without a significant fee. We hope this event is a great success and part of a new series of events, and we are sorry that not everyone can join us.
Please join your fellow VSDCers to enjoy the tasty happy hour menu at the all-vegan Planta Restaurant in Bethesda. You can [check out the menu](https://media-cdn.getbento.com/accounts/0dd435255ed47ef59b07b494968680e4/media/bQPbGA0HReKrnwynFOR5_hh_brwd_wburg_to_atl_hh_12_7_23_digital.pdf). We will raise a glass in honor of Veganuary!
**Update Your RSVP**
Out of respect for the restaurant and others interested in attending this limited-space event, please update your RSVP promptly as your schedule changes.
The restaurant is within walking distance from the Bethesda station on the Red Line. There is paid parking nearby.
**VSDC: More Than A Meetup**
We are so glad to have you as part of The Veg Society of DC Vegan Meetup group, and we enjoy seeing you at our events. Did you know that [VSDC](https://vsdc.org/) is a nonprofit organization with membership benefits?
With VSDC membership, you will save money at area restaurants and businesses, attend VSDC member-only events, and, most importantly, support us as a clear and consistent voice for improving the lives of all beings through community building and education centered on the benefits of a vegan diet and lifestyle.
The membership fee is minimal, but the impact is significant! [Become a member of VSDC](https://vsdc.org/membership/).
**Liability Waiver and Code of Conduct**
When you sign up to attend, you automatically acknowledge [VSDC’s Liability Waiver](https://vsdc.org/activity-waiver/) and commit to follow the code of conduct found at [Policies – VSDC – Veg Society of DC](https://vsdc.org/policies/).