The Veg Society of DC sponsors a Thanksgiving celebration each year. Please visit our events page in the fall to learn about this year’s plans.
Food & Supply Drive 2022
The Veg Society of DC is continuing its Thanksgiving tradition of collecting items for The Humane Rescue Alliance and So Others May Eat (SOME) food bank.
If you are interested in participating, please email [email protected] for the drop-off locations and any questions.
Drop-offs will be accepted from Saturday, Nov. 19, until the evening of Wednesday November 23rd at four drop-off locations. (Two in DC, one in Rockville, MD and one in Falls Church, VA.) Please write to [email protected] for addresses.
Below are details about needed items for the organizations:
— The Humane Rescue Alliance protects animals, supports families, and advocates for positive change to create a world where all animals can thrive.
List of needed items:
Any unexpired wet food (for dogs and cats) that is non-prescription
Any unexpired dry food (for dogs and cats) that is non-prescription
Kitty litter
Dog and cat toys
Pet treats
See the HRA wishlist for examples of needed items.
— So Others May Eat (SOME) is an interfaith, community-based organization that exists to help the poor and homeless of our nation’s capital.
Suggested non-perishable items (all vegan - please do not bring any items containing meat, dairy, or eggs):
Peanut butter and other nut butters
Whole-grain crackers
Low-sugar cereal
Pasta sauce and tomato sauce
Breakfast bars
Beans and lentils (dry or canned)
Canned vegetables (low-sodium)
Canned fruit (packed in water or juice)
Thank you for your generosity!