- This event has passed.
Join us for [&pizza](https://andpizza.com/)’s [Veganuary](https://veganuary.com/en-us/) party at [&pizza’](https://andpizza.com/)s Hotel Hive location at 2224 F Street, NW, DC 20037. Register with &pizza [here](https://veganuary-kickoff-party-s5iyc.tripleseattickets.com/registration/select) and also rsvp below so we can communicate with you.
**About Veganuary**
Since [Veganuary](https://veganuary.com/en-us/) was started in 2014, millions of people have [signed up ](https://veganuary.com/en-us/try-vegan/)to take the vegan pledge for the month of January, and now Veganuary has participants in almost every country in the world.
Throughout the year, Veganuary encourages and supports people and businesses alike to move to a plant-based diet as a way of protecting the environment, preventing animal suffering, and improving the health of millions of people.
[Signing up](https://veganuary.com/en-us/try-vegan/) for Veganuary provides a celebrity cookbook, 31 days of recipes, and vegan coaching emails! Please share with friends and family.
**VSDC: More Than A Meetup**
We are so glad to have you as part of The Veg Society of DC Vegan Meetup group, and we enjoy seeing you at our events. Did you know that [VSDC](https://vsdc.org/) is a nonprofit organization with membership benefits?
With VSDC membership, you will save money at area restaurants and businesses, attend VSDC member-only events, and, most importantly, support us as a clear and consistent voice for improving the lives of all beings through community building and education centered on the benefits of a vegan diet and lifestyle.
The membership fee is minimal, but the impact is significant! [Become a member of VSDC](https://vsdc.org/membership/).
**Liability Waiver and Code of Conduct**
When you sign up to join, you automatically acknowledge [VSDC’s Liability Waiver](https://vsdc.org/activity-waiver/) and commit to follow the code of conduct found at [Policies – VSDC – Veg Society of DC](https://vsdc.org/policies/)