- This event has passed.
**Update 3/21/24**
**Sadly, I think it’s going to be too chilly to have a comfortable picnic outside before watching PATROL at the Environmental Film Festival tomorrow night.**
**If we would like to try to meetup inside somewhere for dinner tomorrow at 6pm, let’s try for [Teaism](http://clicks.meetup.com/ls/click?upn=u001.NY3oBFzZ5LJDG7YcnfSAKtb8oUGT2WAR3r0j-2F1JwHqzMxnUH-2Buqe2Tr5juYGnx-2BgYD-2Bkt6ETY1-2Fq1WcpDbOUXA-3D-3DrjzM_mybI7KVf0C0K6-2F4wpLuG-2FlhwCADYQoKtc6WggLjuiRLtT2s7Uz42u5Xw6EeNDDPUuXI5-2Bpp7zUwvecRD-2B5oTVYAVN1asX5KhnvBJwXb1OSHdU7FaYMtzIYzKw-2BB9nLXrenSLLH899aKDf0wL5f5x8-2BJlb2lhJkisuNZuCeyrTmJuaDgNzI1a4wDf9gMxWqxwz0wxG4uZK-2F-2FK15QO2nambh4PggD482U8QJG0jCiTezq4V-2Bj1fFHrP0lzxWV5FoeUmbs8oc-2Bo8UccjNfgjqhueasv4LMEZ5VX-2FyOv8FkuGOz8-2BI-2FczXlrtaW-2F2UP-2BcQiSUm8hic2qwSR-2BhMnTnCZl7eZFWKDKTTXbf5I-2Fo-2BA0a4H3t9Eoz-2FPQnX6l7ZtUaGzQqrIl94UgvzdemO-2FtLc78grSx-2FKsZuFhpKzOvNrucI8yPr4i5X4U5pOCcMdkP4xWbtaXYkXaQAduBYUWEDJ9pRAOS1Abd3gUfIQcht8RWfVTwFL-2BrxEgZF2ycggm-2BfdRCTpAdvBoMwrgh3ueQNu0s2-2FVL-2FIQq-2Bejk8H4J8C9v-2FXsA94ZcB-2FOAw4ha3LM24U0SFiombmYNFX23UKNE9Zuh968ItQcKTBhCQGp3TZE9xCQblLXPwrxWhivUJHHwOBc02EVVbI-2FtU9tI-2FRzjzdsIpw-3D-3D) because it is very close by, has good vegan options and has the most space (an upstairs and a downstairs). Because it is cherry blossom season and spring break, the restaurant is unable to reserve tables for us, so we’ll just have to hope for the best. We may not be able to all sit together, etc….**
Weather permitting, let’s gather at 6pm in the Navy Memorial Plaza, right in front of the Naval Heritage Center at 701 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20004, for a picnic before the 7pm screening of [PATROL](https://www.patrolmovie.com/) which is being shown as part of the [DC Environmental Film Festival ](https://dceff.org/festival/?_gl=1*bhsuev*_up*MQ..&gclid=Cj0KCQiA84CvBhCaARIsAMkAvkJ-ZVsfurHI5Fx7WNpXYfC-ON_uC9bjAdIoDR_YJeHs27nljjSZhWMaAgKZEALw_wcB)(DCEFF) at the Naval Heritage Center.
You can bring your own beverages and vegan food or pick up something from nearby HipCityVeg (a six minute walk away), Teasim (a one minute walk away), SeoulSpice, (3 minute walk) or another restaurant of your choice. We should be able to find some seating on steps around the plaza. If the weather is bad, we will scratch the picnic part of this Meetup.
You must purchase a ticket for the film in advance on the DCEFF website [here](https://dceff.eventive.org/schedule/65d619e26232d20061e6832f). Don’t hesitate because tickets can sell out. Seating is general admission.
The screening will be followed by a conversation with filmmakers [Brad Allgood](https://dceff.org/filmmaker/allgood-brad/) & [Camilo de Castro](https://dceff.org/filmmaker/de-castro-camilo/).
Here’s a description of the film:
Nicaragua is facing an escalating crisis. Illegal cattle ranchers and miners are decimating the Indio-Maiz Biological Reserve — one of the last remaining rainforests in Central America. Deforestation is leading to destruction of biodiversity, traditional ways of life and climate change. Commodities produced on illegally converted lands are finding their way to unsuspecting consumers in the US and other major markets.
The indigenous and Afro-descendent peoples are addressing the threat head on—fighting back to protect their territory and way of life. This is the story of **PATROL**.
**VSDC: More Than A Meetup**
We are so glad to have you as part of The Veg Society of DC Vegan Meetup group, and we enjoy seeing you at our events. Did you know that [VSDC](https://vsdc.org/) is a nonprofit organization with membership benefits?
With VSDC membership, you will save money at area restaurants and businesses, attend VSDC member-only events, and, most importantly, support us as a clear and consistent voice for improving the lives of all beings through community building and education centered on the benefits of a vegan diet and lifestyle.
The membership fee is minimal, but the impact is significant! [Become a member of VSDC](https://vsdc.org/membership/).
**Liability Waiver and Code of Conduct**
When you sign up to attend, you automatically acknowledge [VSDC’s Liability Waiver](https://vsdc.org/activity-waiver/) and commit to follow the code of conduct found at [Policies – VSDC – Veg Society of DC](https://vsdc.org/policies/).
**VSDC. Creating communities. For your health, the animals, and the planet.**