VSDC Running Group - VSDC - Veg Society of DC
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VSDC Running Group

March 31, 2024 @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

  • This event has passed.

The running group will meet in the neighborhood right behind Ben’s Chili Bowl on U Street NW. (You can directly message Miles Harter for the details.)

We will run between three and six miles depending on what folks want to do. Runners can bring bags, and there will be a secure place inside to leave them. We will also have a vegan dessert afterwards, a birthday cake for one of our runners!

Yes, we realize that March 31 also happens to be Easter Sunday, but it was the only date in the next month or so that worked for all the runners at our first run earlier this month. And anyone also free to celebrate Easter earlier in the day.

When you sign up to join, you automatically acknowledge [VSDC’s Liability Waiver](https://vsdc.org/activity-waiver/)

By coming to this event, we expect you to follow the code of conduct found at [Policies – VSDC – Veg Society of DC](https://vsdc.org/policies/)

**VSDC: More Than A Meetup**
We are so glad to have you as part of The Veg Society of DC Vegan Meetup group, and we enjoy seeing you at our events. Did you know that [VSDC](http://www.vsdc.org/) is a nonprofit organization with membership benefits?

With VSDC membership, you will save money at area restaurants and businesses, attend VSDC member-only events, and, most importantly, support us as a clear and consistent voice for improving the lives of all beings through community-building and education centered on the benefits of a vegan diet and lifestyle.

The VSDC membership fee is minimal, but the impact is significant! [Become a member of VSDC](https://vsdc.org/membership/).

**VSDC. Creating communities. For your health, the animals, and the planet.**


March 31, 2024
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm


U Street Northwest
Washington, DC United States